Hello! I’m Lauren & I love to grow and build things!
Growing food is a practice that makes an immediate and sustained positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. I want to make this easier for everyone to do. I grow year round on a 1/4 acre lot in Winston-Salem, NC — and I also run a garden design & education business.
Why do I write this newsletter? ✍🏻
I love researching and writing. I created Floricult for everyone who wants to grow but doesn’t know where to start. I take my knowledge of horticulture, permaculture, and square foot gardening and break it down into easy language (+ usually with photos!) - right to your inbox.
Follow my garden adventures 👩🏻🌾
In a past life, I was also a photographer — and I enjoy documenting the evolution of my own garden. As Monty Don once said, you haven’t seen a garden until you’ve seen it 365 days a year.
Become a ‘cult member 🔮
Gardening is a solo practice, and for that I am grateful. But there are moments when it pays to BELONG. Finding your community is magical and you’re invited to this one.
You can also follow me on Instagram at @laurendubinsky and @floricultgardens!